• Heel Vertigoheel Gotas 30 ml

Heel Vertigoheel Drops 30 ml


Drops for vertigo or dizziness of various origins; as well as for mild cognitive impairment such as lack of concentration and memory.

Contains 30 ml.

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Heel Vertigoheel Gotas 30 ml
Heel Vertigoheel Drops 30 ml
Regular price €16,36
Sale price €16,36 Regular price €16,36
You are saving: -€0,00

VertigoHeel Oral drops


100 g contain

Ambra grisea

Anamirta cocculus

Conium maculatum

Petroleum rectificatum

Contains 35 vol.-% alcohol


D6 | 10,.0 g

D4 | 70,0 g

D3 | 10,0 g

D8 | 10,0 g


Dizziness/dizziness of various origins; mild cognitive impairment such as lack of concentration and memory.


Known allergy (hypersensitivity) to one or more ingredients.

Special warning and special precautions for use

This product contains 35 vol.-% ethanol (alcohol).

Side effects

Like all medicines, homeopathic medicines can cause side effects. In isolated cases, transient symptoms of gastrointestinal problems and nausea have been reported. The frequency of these side effects is not known.

Interactions with other medicinal products

No interactions have been reported and none are expected due to homeopathic dilutions.

Pregnancy and lactation

There is no clinical information for pregnancy and lactation for this product. Homeopathic dilutions of the substances present in this medicinal product have not been reported to be toxic during pregnancy and lactation. No adverse effects have been reported.

Effects on the ability to drive and use machines

No effects on the ability to drive and use machinery have been reported, and none are expected due to homeopathic dilutions.


- Standard dosage : Adults (and children 12 years and older): 10 drops 3 times a day.

- Initial or high dose : Adults (and children 12 years and older): 10 drops every half an hour or every hour, up to 12 times a day and then continue with standard doses.

- Method of administration : This medicine should not be taken with food. For children add tablet in a little water.


No case of overdose has been reported and none is expected due to homeopathic dilutions.

Pack size

Packets contain 30 ml and 100 ml.

Ficha técnica
Ver medicamento en el Centro de informaciónonline de medicamentos de la AEMPS – CIMA