XAILIN Fresh 30 0.4 Ml Pouches is a sterile solution for topical application to treat dry eye conditions and dry eye syndrome. Artificial tears help to reinforce or replace the shortage of tears that the human eye produces naturally. The formulation attempts to mimic the qualities of human tears in terms of water content, viscosity, spreadability and surface wettability, presence of electrolytes and pH.
This ophthalmic preparation is added to the eyeball to lubricate its surface when there is excessive dryness. This lack of hydration results from excessive use of mobile devices, computers, medication, environmental factors or simply the passage of time. XAILIN Fresh Tears 30 0.4 Ml Units moisturise inflamed and reddened eyes, eliminating the discomfort caused by the presence of foreign particles that can affect the conjunctival membrane.
They are also useful for controlling itching, cooling the eye and reducing eye rubbing anxiety when suffering from allergies. They are also often a simple and effective option in post-operative eye surgery for cataracts, presbyopia or refractive eye surgery. In addition to preserving ocular surface moisture in these situations, contraindications and side effects tend to be very low.