• Hero Baby Infant Milk Pedialac Feh 400G

Hero Baby Infant Milk Pedialac Feh 400G


Pedialac FEH milk in 400g format. Food for special medical purposes, intended for feeding babies with intolerance and allergy to cow's milk protein.

Regular price €36,98 92,45 € / 1kg
Sale price €36,98 Regular price €43,51
You are saving: -€6,53
92,45 € / 1kg
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Hero Baby Infant Milk Pedialac Feh 400G
Hero Baby Infant Milk Pedialac Feh 400G
Regular price €36,98 92,45 € / 1kg
Sale price €36,98 Regular price €43,51
You are saving: -€6,53
92,45 € / 1kg

Hero Baby Infant Milk Pedialac Feh 400G


Maltodextrina, aceites vegetales (coco, girasol alto oleico, palma, soja), hidrolizado de proteína de suero (leche ), hidrolizado de proteína de caseína (leche ), emulgentes (ésteres cítricos de mono y diglicéridos de ácidos grasos, lecitina de soja ), minerales (fosfato cálcico, citrato cálcico, fosfato potásico, cloruro magnésico, cloruro potásico, hidróxido cálcico, cloruro cálcico, hidróxido potásico, sulfato de hierro, sulfato de zinc, citrato sócopper sulphate, manganese sulphate, potassium iodide, sodium selenite), fish oil, Mortierella alpina oil, choline chloride, vitamins (C, A, D, B12, E, folic acid, K, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, riboflavin, vitamin B12, vitamin E, folic acid, K, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin E, vitamin E, vitamin E, vitamin E, vitamin Enic acid, biotin, riboflavin, B6, thiamine), phenylalanine, tryptophan, tyrosine, taurine, inositol, nucleotides (cytidine 5'monophosphate, uridine 5' monophosphate, adenosine 5' monophosphate, adenosine 5' monophosphate).monophosphate, adenosine 5'monophosphate, inosine 5'monophosphate, guanosine 5'monophosphate), L-carnitine, antioxidant (tocopherol-rich extract).

Nutritional value

Weight: 400 Nutritional table: Average values per 100g . Energy value kJ/290 kcal/69 Fats 26g Fats of which saturated 3,6g Linoleic acid 1,4mg α-linolenic acid (ALA) 52mg Arachidonic acid (ARA) 13mg Docosahexaenoic acid (ARA) 13mg Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 13mg Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)15mg Carbohydrates 7,5g Carbohydrates of which sugars 0,4g Lactose 0,1 Protein 1,8g Casein 0,4g Whey 1,4g Salt 0,07g Minerals Sodium 29mg Potassium 74,2mg Chloride 53,2mg Calcium 56,0mg Phosphorus 32,2mg Ca/P ratio 1,7 Magnesium 1,7Ca/P ratio 1,7 Magnesium 7,00mg Iron 0,49mg Zinc 0,56mg Copper 53 µg Iodine 12,9 µg Selenium 2,6µg Manganese 17µg Chromium 1,4µg Molybdenum 3,5µg Fluoride <69µg Vitamins Vitamin A 73,2µg Vitamin D 1,6µg Thiamine 74µg Riboflavin 110µg Niacin 0,73mg Ac.Pantothenic acid 0,38mg Vitamin B6 74µg Biotin 2,2µg Folate 18,2µg Vitamin B12 0,22µg Vitamin C 11mg Vitamin K 73mg Vitamin E 1,1mg Other L-carnitine 1,1mg Taurine 6,1mg Inositol 4,0mg Choline 21mg Nucleotides 3,0mg Osmolarity 185mOsm/l


Pharmaceutical advice

Store tightly capped in a cool, dry place. Once opened, consume within a maximum of one month. Prepare only one bottle at a time. Do not store unfinished bottles.